General terms and conditions

  1. Information about the Service Provider

Villa Medici Kft

Registered office: 8200 Veszprém Kittenberger K. u. 11.

Company registration number:

Tax number: 11524465-2-19


  1. General rules


2.1 These General Terms and Conditions govern the use of the accommodation and services of the Service Provider.


2.2 Special, individual terms and conditions do not form part of the General Terms and Conditions, but do not preclude the conclusion of separate agreements with travel agents, tour operators, with different conditions according to the type of business.


2.3.The Hotel is a non-smoking accommodation provider. In case of violation of this rule, in particular smoking in the rooms or smoking on the balcony of the rooms in such a way that tobacco smoke enters the room, the smoking guest shall be liable to pay an additional cleaning fee of HUF 15 000, which shall be charged to the room bill. Smoking shall take place only in the areas designated for this purpose by a sign.


  1. Contracting party


3.1 The Guest uses all services provided by the Service Provider at his/her own risk.


3.2 If the order for services is placed directly by the Guest to the Service Provider, the Guest is the Contracting Party. The Service Provider and the Guest together shall become contracting parties (hereinafter referred to as Parties) upon fulfilment of the conditions.


3.3 If the order for the services is placed by a third party (hereinafter referred to as the Intermediary) on behalf of the Guest, the terms of cooperation shall be governed by the contract concluded between the Service Provider and the Intermediary. In this case, the Service Provider shall not be obliged to verify whether the third party legally represents the Customer.


3.4 In view of the health and safety risks of the activity, the Service Provider can only provide the services if the guest provides the Service Provider with his/her name and address before using the service.



  1. Creation of the Contract, method of reservation, modification, notification


4.1 The Service Provider shall send an offer to the Guest’s request for an offer sent orally or in writing. If no specific order is received within 48 hours of the offer being sent, the Service Provider shall no longer be bound by the offer.


4.2 The Contract shall be deemed to have been concluded upon written confirmation of the Guest’s written or oral reservation by the Service Provider, and shall be deemed to have been concluded in writing. An oral reservation, agreement, modification or oral confirmation of a reservation, agreement or modification by the Service Provider shall not be deemed to be a Contract.


4.3 The Accommodation Service Contract is for a fixed term.


4.3.1 If the Guest permanently leaves the room before the expiry of the set period, the Service Provider is entitled to the full price of the service stipulated in the Contract. The Service Provider is entitled to resell the room vacated before the expiry date.


4.3.2 The extension of the accommodation service initiated by the Guest requires the prior consent of the Service Provider. In this case, the Service Provider may request reimbursement of the service already provided.


4.4 Any amendment and/or addition to the Contract shall require the written agreement of the Parties.



  1. Cancellation conditions


5.1 Unless otherwise specified in the hotel’s offer, the accommodation can be cancelled free of charge up to 24 hours prior to arrival. After that the penalty is 100% of the accommodation rate.


  1. a) If the Contracting Party has not secured the use of the accommodation services by advance payment, credit card guarantee or other means provided for in the Contract, the Service Provider’s obligation to provide the accommodation services shall cease after 18:00 local time on the day of arrival.


  1. b) If the Contracting Party has secured the use of the accommodation services by advance payment, credit card guarantee or other means provided for in the Contract and does not arrive by 18:00 local time on the day of arrival or does not give notice of arrival later, the Service Provider shall impose a penalty at the rate specified in the Contract.


5.2 In the case of booking products subject to special conditions, group travel or events, the Service Provider shall establish different terms and conditions from the above, which shall be set out in an individual Contract.



  1. Prices


6.1 The hotel room rates (Rack Rate) are displayed in the hotel room or at the hotel reception. The price lists for other services are available in the respective hotel departments (restaurant, spa, wellness).


6.2 The Service Provider is free to change its advertised prices without prior notice.


6.3 The prices include the statutory rate of value added tax (VAT) applicable at the time of the offer. The Service Provider shall pass on to the Contracting Party, with prior notice, any additional charges due to changes in the applicable tax law (VAT).


6.4 The prices include the statutory tourist tax rate applicable at the time of the offer.


6.4. Current discounts, promotions and other offers are announced on the website.



  1. Family discounts


7.1 Children up to 10 years stay free of charge when sharing a room with their parents. For 2 adults with more children under 10 years, the price of two single rooms will be charged instead of two double rooms.


7.2 The fees for children over 10 years of age are set out in the current price list.


7.3 The maximum number of extra beds per standard or superior double room is one.



  1. Method of payment, guarantee


Individual guests:


8.1 The Service Provider shall claim the remuneration for the services rendered to the Contracting Party at the latest after the use of the services, before the departure from the hotel.


8.2 The Service Provider guarantees the use of the service in accordance with the Contract and the payment of the consideration:


  1. a) request a credit card guarantee, whereby the value of the ordered and confirmed service is blocked on the credit card


  1. b) request an advance payment of part or all of the participation fee


8.3. The Contracting Party may settle its account in HUF, and/or


  1. a) in any currency that the Service Provider advertises for acceptance. In this case, the conversion or invoicing shall be carried out at the selling rate of the foreign currency of the Service Provider’s account-keeping bank on the day of the Guest’s arrival.


  1. b) the Service Provider shall accept cashless payment instruments (credit card, SZÉP card), the current list of which shall be made available to the Contracting Party upon request.


8.4 The costs related to the use of any payment method shall be borne by the Contracting Party or its SZÉP card/credit card.


Travel agencies:

The contract with the service provider will include specific payment terms.



  1. How and under what conditions to use the service


9.1 The Guest may check in to the hotel room from 14:00 on the day of arrival and check out from the hotel room by 10:00 on the last day of the stay, or, if possible, by prior arrangement, until 12:00 noon.


9.2 If the Guest wishes to occupy the room before 09:00 on the day of arrival, the price of the previous night will be charged.


9.3. after 12:00 noon, a late check-out fee of 20.000,-HUF per room will be charged and upon payment of this fee the room can be used until 18.00 hrs on that day (late check-out). There is also the possibility of early check-in, at a rate of 10.000,-HUF per room and upon payment of this fee the room can be used from 10.00 hrs on that day.



  1. Pets


10.1 Pets are not accepted.



  1. Refusal to perform the contract, termination of the obligation to provide services


11.1 The Service Provider shall be entitled to terminate the Accommodation Service Contract with immediate effect, and thus refuse to provide the services, if:


  1. a) the Guest does not make proper use of the room or facility provided


  1. b) the Guest is behaving in an unacceptable manner with regard to the security, order, safety or staff of the accommodation, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, is threatening, abusive or otherwise unacceptable


  1. c) the Guest is suffering from a communicable disease.


(d) the Contracting Party fails to fulfil its obligation to make the advance payment provided for in the Contract by the specified date


11.2 If the contract between the parties is not fulfilled for reasons of „force majeure”, the contract shall be terminated.



  1. Placement guarantee


12.1 If the Service Provider’s hotel is unable to provide the services provided for in the Contract due to its own fault (e.g. overbooking, temporary operational problems, etc.), the Service Provider shall immediately arrange accommodation for the Guest.


12.2 The Service Provider shall:


(a) to provide/offer the services provided for in the Contract, at the price confirmed therein, for the period specified therein or until the impediment ceases, in another accommodation of the same or a higher category. The Service Provider shall bear all additional costs of providing the substitute accommodation


  1. b) provide the Guest with a free telephone call once to inform him/her of a change of accommodation


  1. c) provide the Guest with a free transfer to the offered alternative accommodation and any subsequent return move


12.3 If the Service Provider fully complies with these obligations, or if the Guest has accepted the substitute accommodation offered to him/her, the Contracting Party may not claim any subsequent compensation.



  1. Illness or death of the guest


13.1 If the Guest falls ill while using the accommodation service and is unable to act on his/her own, the Service Provider will offer medical assistance.


13.2 In the event of the illness/death of the Guest, the Service Provider shall claim compensation from the relatives, heirs or bill payers of the sick/deceased person for any medical and procedural expenses, the value of services used prior to the death, and any damage to equipment and furnishings caused by the illness/death.



  1. Rights of the Contracting Party


14.1 Under the Contract, the Guest is entitled to the use of the room ordered and the facilities of the accommodation for the purpose intended, which are included in the normal scope of services and are not subject to special conditions.


14.2. The Guest may lodge a complaint about the performance of the services provided by the Service Provider during the stay. During this period, the Service Provider undertakes to deal with any complaint submitted to it (or recorded by it) with written proof.


14.3 The Guest’s right to lodge a complaint shall cease after departure from the accommodation.


  1. Obligations of the Contracting Party


15.1 The Contracting Party shall pay the consideration for the services ordered in the Contract by the date and in the manner specified in the Contract.


15.2 The Guest shall ensure that any child under the age of 14 who is under the responsibility of the Guest is only under the supervision of an adult.


15.3 The Guest is not allowed to bring his/her own food and drink into the catering facilities of the Hotel.



  1. Liability of the Contracting Party for damages


The Guest shall be liable for all damages and losses suffered by the Service Provider or third parties due to the fault of the Guest or his/her companion or other persons under his/her responsibility. The Guest shall be liable to pay the Service Provider for any damage caused by him/her (e.g. extra cleaning: from a gross price of 20.000,-HUF). This liability shall also apply if the Damaged Party claims the repair of the damage directly from the Service Provider.



  1. Rights of the Service Provider


If the Guest does not fulfil his/her obligation to pay the charges for the services used or ordered in the Contract but not used, the Service Provider shall be entitled to a lien on the personal property of the Guest which he/she has brought with him/her to the hotel to secure his/her claims.



  1. Obligations of the Service Provider


The Service Provider shall:


  1. a) provide the accommodation and other services ordered under the contract in accordance with the applicable regulations and service standards


  1. b) to investigate the guest’s written complaint and take the necessary steps to deal with the problem, which must be recorded in writing



  1. Liability of the Service Provider for damages


19.1 The Service Provider shall be liable for any damage caused to the Guest within its facilities due to the fault of the Service Provider or its employees.


19.1.1.The Service Provider is not liable for damages caused by an unavoidable cause beyond the control of the Service Provider’s employees and guests, or caused by the guest himself.


19.1.2 The Service Provider may designate places in the hotel where the Guest is not allowed to enter. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damage or injury caused in such places.


19.1.3 The Guest must immediately report any damage suffered by him/her to the Hotel and provide the Hotel with all necessary information required to clarify the circumstances of the damage, and possibly for the purpose of the police report/police procedure.

19.2 The Service Provider is liable for valuables, securities and cash only if the item has been expressly accepted for safekeeping.


19.2.1 The Service Provider shall not be liable for any personal belongings left in the public areas or rooms of the Service Provider (including items and objects placed in the room safe).


19.2.2 The Service Provider shall not be liable for valuables left in a vehicle in the Service Provider’s car park, and the Service Provider shall investigate the damage caused to the parked vehicles and compensate for the damage if the damage was caused by negligence attributable to the Service Provider.


19.3 The amount of the compensation is 100% of the amount of the damage caused, i.e. the amount is equal to the amount of the damage.



  1. Confidentiality


In the performance of its obligations under the Contract, the Service Provider shall act in accordance with the provisions of Act LXIII of 1992 on the protection of personal data and the disclosure of data of public interest, and the provisions of the relevant legislation on data protection – and, if the Contracting Party has brought this to the attention of the Service Provider – the relevant internal rules of the Contracting Party.



  1. Vis major


Any cause or circumstance (for example; war, fire, flood, adverse weather, power failure, strike) over which a party has no control (force majeure) shall relieve either party from performing its obligations under the Contract for so long as such cause or circumstance exists. The Parties agree to use their best endeavours to minimise the possibility of such causes or circumstances occurring and to remedy any damage or delay caused thereby as soon as possible.



  1. Law applicable to the relationship between the parties, competent court


The legal relationship between the Service Provider and the Contracting Party shall be governed by the provisions of the Hungarian Civil Code. Any dispute arising out of the service contract shall be settled by the court having jurisdiction in the place where the service is provided.



  1. Website


23.1 References and links


Villa Medici Ltd. has no control over the design and content of material linked or referred to on its websites that is the property of third parties.


23.2 Copyright


The layout of the web pages, the diagrams, images and logos used and the collection of individual contributions are protected by copyright. Any reproduction or use of objects such as diagrams, images or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the agreement of Villa Medici Ltd.


23.3. Cookies


When you visit our websites, a recurring cookie (a small text file) is created and saved on your computer’s hard drive. The cookie allows us to recognise you when you visit our website, making it easier for you to browse the site.


23.4. Analytics


Villa Medici Ltd. uses an analytics tool to monitor its websites, which creates a series of data and tracks how visitors use our websites. The system creates a cookie when the page is viewed, with the aim of recording information about the visit (pages visited, time spent on our pages, browsing data, exits, etc.), which is not, however, data that can be linked to the visitor personally.

This tool will help you improve the ergonomics of your website design, creating a user-friendly website to enhance the online experience of your visitors. Villa Medici Ltd. does not use analytics systems to collect personal information. Most Internet browsers automatically accept these cookies, but visitors have the option to delete them or automatically reject them. As each browser is different, please select the „Help” section of your browser toolbar to find out how to set your preferences regarding cookies. However, you may not be able to use certain features of our website if you choose not to accept them

away the cookies.

23.5. SSL security


To ensure your security and to ensure enhanced confidentiality, Villa Medici Ltd. uses SSL privacy encryption software for online bookings on its websites. Your credit card number, and any other information you enter when filling in various questionnaires, is automatically encrypted and protected during transmission over the network. Once the information reaches our server, it is decrypted using a unique private key. SSL allows your browser to connect to our website and agree to a secure communication channel in a transparent manner. SSL is the most widely used and successful secure transaction system today. To use this system, you simply need to check your browser’s compatibility.


23.6. Subscribe to newsletter


When subscribing to the newsletter, by voluntarily providing the name and e-mail address, the user agrees to receive e-mails from Villa Medici Kft. Villa Medici Ltd. ensures that the user can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking on the link at the bottom of the e-mails and by sending an unsubscribe request to

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